Zen Like A Boss

#002. 7 steps to clear your vision about your dream job

Laura Parent Season 1 Episode 2

If you find yourself in a position where you are not motivated at work, or you are questioning whether you are in the right line of work, and what you should do next, this second episode is the logical continuation of the episode 1. It helps you get clarity on what career is meant for you. Laura guides you step-by-step with questions, reflections and powerful exercices to give you a new perspective and insights on what type of work or organizations would really suit your needs.

Step 1 - Take a step back and rethink 
Step 2 - Define your ideal lifestyle
Step 3 - Fulfill your emotional need
Step 4 - Assess your tasks
Step 5 - Find your North Star
Step 6 - Finalize your process of selection
Step 7 - Vizualize it!

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